March 13, 2020: Worship and Activities Suspended through at least March 29

After much prayer, conversation, and attention to the needs of our community in the past days, we have decided to temporarily suspend all worship and public activities at the church, effective , March 13.This suspension will remain at least through Sunday, March 29. At that time, we'll communicate about plans for worship and public activities in April.
This decision comes with an awareness of several factors: Covid-19's ease of transmission in close quarters, its potential to cause great harm to older adults and those with underlying conditions, and the ability to ease the impact on our health system by keeping the spread of the disease from spiking at once. More than anything, this decision is an act of love for our neighbor and each other, and a ministry of care to those at greater risk that others. It takes a community to respond to challenges such as these, and we do what we can to respond together as one in Christ.
This is uncharted territory for our congregation, but recall what we have confessed in the creeds year after year as we've gathered: The Communion of the Saints. This communion testifies that the church is more than a gathering in a single place, but a fellowship that draws together the faithful from every time and place. Though some of us may be used to gathering in person, whenever we gather, we gather with all God's people at once.

Online Worship: This weekend, we'll gather with the use of Facebook live at 10 a.m. on Sunday, March 15. You don't need an account to access this feature, and it will allow you to be a part of worship in real time. St. Stephen's Facebook Page ( and can be accessed from your couch at home – which might be the most comfortable chair you’ve worshipped on in months!

Wednesdays in Lent: While we won't be gathering for a Sacred Meal these next weeks, we will still have a chance to pause, pray, and hear stories of faith in daily life on Wednesday evenings. These videos will be posted on Facebook and our website each Wednesday at 6 p.m., and will be accessible later, too.

Pastoral Care: Pastoral care is available anytime from Pastor Dan or Pastor Tucker. Unfortunately, we cannot visit you at the hospital unless the circumstances are dire. (This is a request from the hospitals, so that they can limit the chances of illness entering through visitation.) Call the church at 515-276-4628 and wait for the message option to connect.

Meetings and Small Groups: All meetings and small group gatherings (including musical ensembles) are postponed until further notice. We’ll keep you posted about developments as we discern next steps.

Care for Neighbors: There may be those among us who are unable to leave their homes to obtain items to fill basic needs. If you need help filling these needs, please contact Pastor Dan at 515-276-4628 or office@ststephenlutheran.orgIf you can help meet these needs, please also contact Pastor Dan!

Staff Working Remotely: St. Stephen staff are prepared to work remotely in these next weeks as we navigate the challenges of this kind of displacement. Technology is a great gift here. We are all still available by email, text, and phone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us.

Giving: Thank you for your continued generosity that supports the ministry of St. Stephen. It is particularly important now, especially as our in-person attendance is suspended, to continue to give. The best ways to do this are to mail a check to the church (310 72nd St., Urbandale IA 50322), have your bank send a check, or through electronic giving at Support St. Stephen Ministry. This might be a great time to set up regular, electronic giving as well, or even begin a regular contribution. Any amount helps—especially in the midst of a moment where suspended activities don’t necessarily mean suspended expenses!

For the past months, worship has ended with a blessing that invites us to see how we are each called to live out our faith in the midst of the world. It’s part of our renewed attention to being “Claimed and Called” as God’s people. I share it with you again, now:
Go forth into the world to serve God with gladness. Be of good courage. Hold fast to that which is good. Render no one evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted. Support the weak. Help the afflicted. Honor all people. Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. And the blessing of almighty God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Look upon you with favor and give you peace. Amen.