Of All the Things We Do at St. Stephen
Worship of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is the most important. Everything else in our community flows from worship. It is the heart of who we are.
Historically, worship has always been the foundation of Christianity. Drawn together by God, we come together and follow the common pattern of the liturgy:
We gather as the people of God;
We hear the Word of God in scripture and in preaching that is connected to our daily lives;
We share a Meal together of Holy Communion, where bread and wine are shared for all in table fellowship;
We are sent out into the world to be active disciples in God’s marvelous creation.
Worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. also connects with the richness of our Lutheran prayer and hymn tradition. This service features contemporary and traditional music with the St. Stephen Praise Band, organists and other instrumentalists. Worship is also live streamed via YouTube and our Facebook Page where participants share live comments.