Emerge – (Confirmation Program 6th – 8th grade)
Calling our 3-year confirmation program “Emerge” is a very deliberate choice. During this stage in their development, young people are emerging as individuals and developing a worldview and sense of identity that extends beyond their nuclear family.
During these three year of Emerge, our young people dive into the baptismal promises that parents and sponsors made on their behalf when they were younger. At the end of the three years, each of them will affirm these promises for themselves, and their intention to continue living in God’s baptismal covenant: To LIVE among God’s faithful people; to HEAR the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper; to PROCLAIM the good news of God through word and deed; SERVE all people following the example of Jesus; and STRIVE for justice and peace in all the world.
We believe that deep, authentic, consequential faith is formed in youth when we walk together – with God, with families, with teachers, and with non-parent mentors.
We believe that we encounter God and Christ through relationships, and that relationships (not information) transform people.
Why do we believe this?
We follow the example set by Jesus. He walked with the disciples for 3 years, shared his life with them, invited them to share their joys and sufferings with him, and talked about faith in grounded, life-giving ways.
Relationship-based or accompaniment ministry has been lifted up as the best way for engaging in the mission of God in the 21st century. This approach is being emphasized in missionary work, in youth formation, and in education of future church leaders.
Even more importantly, God is leading us in this approach! St. Stephen possesses the gifts necessary for excellence in relational ministry: small class sizes and caring, committed adults.
We meet Wednesday evenings at 6:45 p.m. from September through the beginning of May. Contact tracy@ststephenlutheran.org for information.